The lost city
Эрхлэн гаргасан: Oxford university press
- ISBN: 978-0-19-472363-3
- Хавтас: Зөөлөн
- Хэвлэгдсэн он: 2018
- Хуудас: 48
- Хэмжээ: 148х210 мм
- Жин: 100
- Үлдэгдэл: Дууссан
In the rainforest, there is a Lost City of Gold. And in the Lost City, there is a beautiful gold statue. Ben, Rosie, and Grandpa visit the city with Silvia, an archaeologist. But other people know about the city too, and want that statue . . . Read and Imagine provides great stories to read and enjoy, with language support, activities, and projects. Follow Rosie, Ben, and Grandpa on their exciting adventures . . .